Sunday, December 20, 2009

Every Day Counts

Have you ever thought of each day as a part of history? We don't really think of today as anything historic, because we are living in it. Our days are often busy ones, driving children here and there, running about doing errands. These days might seem small and mundane to us, but it's still history in the making.
Excellence isn't always about the bigger accomplishments in life. Not all of us are going to have pages of our name associated with publicity lists noted on Google, but each of us contributes to this world in amazing ways everyday of our lives. We just don't stop to think about that, but something as simple as waving hello to a neighbor can make a person's whole day.
Tonight I went to neighborhood Christmas Party. Neighbors have been gathering to socialize and share each December in my neighborhood for 11 years, and it' s been an amazing and wonderful gathering year after year.
In the home of our host, just as we were leaving, my husband pointed to a framed envelope and letter on the wall. "To the Green Thumbs" it was addressed. As I read the letter, I was moved to ponder the thoughtful gesture of a stranger. This woman writer was a member of the church across the street from this particular home, and the letter was simply to tell the owner of this home, how much she enjoyed seeing her beautifully manicured yard each Sunday. I was even more amazed to read the signature at the letter's close. It had been signed years ago by a sweet lady who had moved away, "Brenda Young." I knew Brenda. She had been my Stake Relief Society President. Even far away, her thoughtfulness still lingered. Brenda's letter complimenting a stranger made my neighbor's next several years. The letter still hangs framed and it still makes this neighbor smile.
How often do we step out of our busy life to touch another either through service, or a simple compliment, smile, recognition? It is really true that a little bit of kindness goes along way.
We can't always wait for others to make that first move. If you want a friend be a friend. Stepping outside oneself to lift another is an excellent way of life. Sometimes, it's about the small stuff.

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